Muslim Brotherhood

APTOPIX Mideast Egypt

Winter comes for the Arab Spring

Four years after the revolution, Egypt has finally erased whatever meagre progress was made
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Muslim Brotherhood: the new Islamist bogeyman in Canada

Why a recent report that says the group poses a greater threat to North America than al Qaeda is wrong
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Egypt: A state of hope, unravelled

With the economy in turmoil, protesters in Cairo’s Tahrir Square call for change once again
Mideast Egypt

On the heels of revolution in Egypt, existential questions in the struggle for democracy

It’s becoming clear Morsi has no interest in governing as a democrat
Presidential candidate Mohamed Morsy of the Muslim Brotherhood waves to a crowd outside a mosque after attending Friday Prayers in Cairo

Newsmakers 2012: Mohamed Morsi, an unlikely peacemaker

Michael Petrou on the Muslim Brotherhood in post-revolution Egypt
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Egypt’s struggle for democracy continues

Michael Petrou on the storm now brewing

SLIDESHOW: Egypt, a country divided

In this video gallery, Michael Petrou describes hopes and fears in the wake of revolution
Egyptian Presidential Result Announced

Maclean’s exclusive: Brothers in charge — Is Egypt becoming the next Iran?

A feature report by Michael Petrou on the dynamics at play in the streets of Cairo