A Canadian astronaut’s most embarrassing—and eloquent—moment

Image of the Week: After more than six months in space, David Saint-Jacques wasn’t quite ready for earthly gravity. But a little nausea couldn’t ruin his moment.
A G1 Minor Geomagnetic Storm

How a man behind the ’Steve’ discovery used the Northern Lights to cope with life

Notanee Bourassa immersed himself in aurora borealis as a way to escape his troubles. One night, he saw something new and amazing.

Super Blue Blood Moon 2018: Watch live video of the rare lunar eclipse here

Western Canada will enjoy the clearest view of this rare astronomical event. Everyone else can watch the livestream right here.

Saying goodbye to the historic Cassini spacecraft

Today, the nearly 20-year Cassini-Huygens mission ended in dramatic fashion, with the Cassini orbiter plunging directly into Saturn. Here are some of the spacecraft’s notable accomplishments.
Saturn from Far and Near (Cassini-Huygens)

Saying goodbye to the universe’s best photographer

Check out some of the amazing photographs taken by Cassini during its 20-year mission to explore Saturn and its moons
Hurricane Harvey from space

Hurricane Harvey captured from outer space

Watch NASA’s striking footage from outer space of the devastating Category 4 hurricane that consumed the central Texas coast on August 24.

Nerds are literal, and other things we learned from TRAPPIST-1

Scott Feschuk on NASA’s newly discovered solar system (and those weird, un-fact-checkable illustrations)

Live: NASA discovers a solar system—with some planets with Earth-like potential

’There are seven Earth-size planets orbiting the nearby TRAPPIST-1 star about 40 light years away’