Newt Gingrich


Trump is a changed man? Don’t bet on it.

Evan Solomon on the danger of dismissing Trump’s rhetoric
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Newt Gingrich: ’How do we keep America safe?’

For the record, here’s what Newt Gingrich told the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland on Wednesday
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Newsmakers: Apr. 26-May. 4, 2011

Vancouver’s pot-friendly mayor, Dr. Seuss’s trouble-making turtle, and Obama’s ‘really big stick’
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With Wisconsin over, Newt and Santorum should go

Reality will soon catch up to Romney’s opponents in the Republican primaries
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Romney has long way back to the middle

He has moved so far to the right it may cost him the election
The santorum surge

The Santorum surge

Support is soaring for the father of seven who offers the rhetorical red meat Romney can’t
Gaming the system

How super PACs are changing the U.S. presidential race

Shadow campaigns are outspending the candidates themselves
Newt Gingrich: best trivial pursuit president ever

Newt Gingrich: best trivial pursuit president ever

Scott Feschuk on the walking Wikipedia with fat baby hands who is wooing America