Nigel Wright

Nigel Wright

Why the ethics commissioner did wrong by Nigel Wright

Andrew MacDougall on the ethics ruling against his former colleague in Stephen Harper’s PMO over the Mike Duffy affair

Justin Trudeau takes New York: Ottawa Power Rankings

Who’s up? The Prime Minister (and his backbench). Who’s down? A leadership contender for the Tories—and an NDP hopeful, too

An acquittal for Duffy, an obliteration for Stephen Harper’s PMO

In setting Mike Duffy free, the judge used his incendiary decision to rebuke Harper’s inner circle—and give Canadians a lesson in the justice system

A horrible, horrible dream: Mike Duffy in The Trial of the Century

Week 10: It was a dream, Duffy kept telling himself. The kids in short pants set loose in ’Lord of the Flies’. But, dream or not, he was still running.
Wright, former chief of staff to PM Harper, leaves the Ontario Court of Justice in Ottawa

Duffy Trial: A closer look at the Wright-Woodcock exchange

A PMO insider gives context in the exchange that led to Nigel Wright’s big revelation about covering Duffy’s costs
Nigel Wright, Peter Mantas

How could Nigel Wright’s Duffy emails be ignored? Like this.

An average day at the PMO? That’s 500 to 600 e-mails. Stephen Harper’s ex-communications director explains the reality of top staffers’ inboxes
Suspended Senator Mike Duffy leaves the Ontario Court of Justice, in Ottawa

Election 2015: Mike Duffy and the pursuit of control

How the Prime Minister’s Office tried to control the Duffy affair and how it lost control in doing so
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Attention, political leaders: It’s in your interest to step it up

Scott Feschuk: In search of election fever on the super-sized federal election campaign

Video: Evan Solomon’s three things to watch in week 4

After a wild week in Canadian politics, a look to what’s next

The original problem in the Duffy affair

Inside the PMO’s efforts to settle the constitutional question that plagued Mike Duffy