Chris Hadfield turns up on the Halloween party circuitNoted on Twitter: Kids and adults dressed up like Canadian astronaut
Martha Stewart, mad on Twitter? Not a good thing ’I just dropped my iPad on the ground and shattered two glass corners ... ’
’Eminem and Musburger. That is all’Eminem on Saturday Night Football: ’the most awkward conversation in the history of live television’
10 Things People with Cottages Like to Tweet AboutHashtags work overtime on holiday weekend: #checkoutmycottage #areyoujealous
The best of sh-- Ottawans say: ’We’re on background, right?’Like Tweeps in Ottawa don’t have better things to do
What happens when you call a country-rap song ’Accidental Racist’Brad Paisley’s reply to critics: ’Bring it’
Politics on TV: Decibel or decimal? What did Trudeau say? And what does it mean? We waded into the fray (so that you don’t have to)
What we know about Mad Men: Season 6. (Spoiler alert: nada) Noted on Twitter: The return of Don Draper