

What the Democrats’ ’Medicare for All’ plan could spur in Canada

Opinion: For some Americans, Canadian health care is a source of envy. But the ’Medicare for All’ plan shows that our system could use a shake-up, too
Trump holds a healthcare meeting with Senate Republicans at the White House in Washington

The ghosts of past promises haunt the Republicans’ future

The Republicans’ health care bill to repeal and replace Obamacare looks set to fail. What will the party—and Donald Trump—do next?

Republicans once led the health care debate. What happened?

Republicans somehow decided the way to fix health care is to not fix it.
House Freedom Caucus Chairman U.S. Representative Mark Meadows (R-NC) speaks to reporters after meeting with his caucus members about their votes on a potential repeal of Obamacare on Capitol Hill in Washington

Why Donald Trump doesn’t scare the Freedom Caucus

Trump has vowed to campaign against Republican members of the Freedom Caucus, but they know voters back home have got their backs no matter what
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Top 10 great things about the proposed new U.S. health care act

As Congress debates a new law, let’s look on the bright side of Obamacare’s demise
Trump leads his employees in a thumbs-up group photo after a campaign event with them at his Trump National Doral golf club in Miami, Florida

Election Daily: Could Donald Trump have a lifeline?

Maclean’s Bulldog, Oct. 25: Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, fights voter complacency with voting convenience
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Maclean’s on the Hill: Pierre Poilievre, Obamacare and Quebec

Plus Peter MacKay, Graham Fraser and climate change

What Barack Obama must do in 2014

(He has 10 months to rescue his presidency)

How Obama’s failure will be felt here

Colby Cosh on why Canada is ignoring the disaster of Obamacare

Editorial: Obamacare’s DOA rollout reveals an unhealthy truth

This tech disaster could leave even more without insurance