peter kent

Marijuana leaves (Shutterstock)

Are Canada’s pot-fearing politicians raising children or goats?

Tabatha Southey schools Tory MP Peter Kent on children’s lack of interest in sharecropping, and eating kale-like substances
Peter Kent, Conservative

Peter Kent takes the 60-Second Challenge

A skill Kent wished he could have picked up sooner? How to be, um, strategically vocal.
Peace Tower

Direct democracy arrives at the House of Commons

Ottawa’s e-petition site offers Canadians a new way to control the agenda in the House
Gilles Duceppe,

Election night’s biggest winners and losers

By its very nature, election day sees candidates fall into two camps: winners and losers. Here were the ten most significant or surprising ones.
John Geddes

Canada’s Cuban ties and the Washington-Havana thaw

Cuba even tried to help Canada at the UN
Canada’s Environment Minister Kent speaks during Question Period in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa

Peter Kent talks about the oil regulations that never happened

MP Peter Kent on how he lost the environment minister post, didn’t push through oil and gas emissions regulations, and why that’s fine

Let’s all negotiate a price on carbon

Featuring Alberta, Ontario, the oil industry and the NDP
Question period 20120330

Peter Kent’s 30/30 experience

The search for oil and gas regulations continues
The war is on

Cabinet shuffle over, now the war is on

Stephen Harper will come back fighting, writes Paul Wells
Peter MacKay Kian MacKay Nazanin Afshin-Jam

A theme of ’generational change’ in Stephen Harper’s new cabinet

Aaron Wherry on the Prime Minister’s new line-up