

Maybe a new pipeline could win federal approval after all

Beneath the war of words between Alberta and Ottawa, draft guidelines suggest climate-change factors won’t block all big resource projects

The rise of the Republic of the Northwest

David J. Bercuson and Barry Cooper imagine a future where western territories have split from Canada to escape the bureaucratic despotism of Ottawa
Alta Trudeau 20180515

A letter from Alberta to my Quebec friends

Jason Markusoff: You’re a too-convenient target. There’s too much overheated political rhetoric about Alberta deficits and Quebec daycare provisions (which have nothing to do with equalization’s formula)
Rachel Notley

Government’s tight grasp on Alberta oil: A short(ish) history

Rachel Notley’s production caps raise a question: Was there ever a ’free market’ for Canadian oil?

Rachel Notley on an economy that’s ’being held hostage’, dealing with Trudeau and the next election

In a live interview with Paul Wells, the Alberta premier discussed the danger in fighting pipelines, the need to buy trains and the crisis facing the economy
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau arrives on Parliament Hill before a meeting with B.C. Premier John Horgan and Alberta Premier Rachel Notley, on the deadlock over Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain pipeline expansion in Ottawa on Sunday, April 15, 2018. (Justin Tang/CP)

Buying a pipeline? It’s a great Canadian tradition.

Peter Shawn Taylor: Ottawa has repeatedly stepped up to get behind big, nation-building projects. What’s different this time is the opposition.
Building pipelines in Canada – The Conversation

The complicated history of building pipelines in Canada

Canada has a long history of building energy pipelines, but Canadian attitudes toward major energy pipeline projects have changed over time
Jason Kenney

Memo to Alberta: Get a grip

Stephen Maher: Indignation over pipelines is over the top—B.C.’s concerns are valid and Ottawa has far from failed to back the oil sands.

Canada is not a country.

Scott Gilmore: If our rag tag federation can’t build pipelines, move beer or find some common bonds, we may have a fatal problem
Justin Trudeau Rachel Notley

Justin Trudeau is going to have to buy himself a pipeline

Stephen Maher: Putting up the money for Kinder Morgan would help Rachel Notley, reassure investors and give B.C.’s John Horgan an out