prime minister's office


The secrets of Parliament Hill: Inside the heart of Canada’s democracy

Parliament’s Centre Block was rebuilt after a devastating 1916 fire. Learn about three key rooms in that iconic building.
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The Prime Minister’s Office vs. The Chief Justice

The Marc Nadon affair gets even messier still
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The Privy Council Office finds Benjamin Perrin’s emails

Legal counsel’s records were thought to have been deleted

What is the root cause of the Duffy-Wright affair?

’That absolute discipline or control… that is what got us into this mess in the first place’

The sketch: Stephen Harper, circa the fourth week of November 2013

Look what Nigel Wright, Mike Duffy and a $90,000 cheque hath wrought
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What does the Wright-Duffy affair tell us about Parliament?

When the PMO edited a Senate committee report
Nigel Wright

Nigel Wright: ’I ... remain confident that my actions were lawful’

A new court filing offers a new account of what happened