

Bill Blair orders prison data to be turned over, but does the data even exist?

Correctional Service Canada is trying to update its inmate tracking system, while the panel tasked to study solitary confinement is still waiting for any usable information
A member of the RCMP looks out towards the United States from an irregular border crossing at Roxham Road, near Hemmingford, Que., on March 19, 2020 (Graham Hughes/THE CANADIAN PRESS IMAGES)

The dark side of Canada’s coronavirus response

When it comes to protecting some of the most vulnerable—prisoners and asylum seekers—Canada is not taking any extraordinary measures
A small group of family and friends of Soleiman Faqiri, hold a vigil at Nathan Phillips Square

What the death of a mentally ill inmate tells us about Canadian justice

The coroner’s report on Soleiman Faqiri’s death in an Ontario prison has finally arrived. It’s long on gruesome detail and short on accountability.
A small group of family and friends of Soleiman Faqiri, hold a vigil at Nathan Phillips Square

The mental health crisis in Canadian prisons

Soleiman Faqiri, who died after a confrontation with prison guards, is just the latest case of an inmate with mental illness dying inside a Canadian prison
Ont Prison Closing 20120419

Prisons want more power to strip search in anti-drug move

It should be easier to search inmates and visitors, say regulations introduced Friday

A shocking look at American Prisons

A review of ’Inferno: An Anatomy of Punishment’ by Robert A. Ferguson
handcuffs, crime

The tough on crime era

’The deeply embedded nastiness of the current governing party’
Vic Toews

The Commons: Less acrimony from Vic Toews, more questions for him

The Commons: The Public Safety Minister makes himself clear
Canada’s interim Liberal Leader Rae speaks during Question Period in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa

The Commons: Horrible reality intrudes

Bob Rae holds the House with questions about Ashley Smith