proportional representation


Power half the time rather than power all the time

Will the Liberals be able to live with themselves if they lose the popular vote, but form government? History suggests they’ll be fine.

How Doug Ford became an issue in the B.C. electoral reform campaign

The debate is already bitterly divided, with both sides claiming the other’s system opens the door to extremists
David Eby,Joy MacPhail

The rules of B.C.’s electoral-reform vote show just how healthy our democracy is

Opinion: The questions and rules governing British Columbia’s referendum on its voting system don’t represent the democratic doomsday that some claim
A transit bus reminding people to vote travels in downtown Vancouver

Why B.C.’s latest electoral reform vote is probably doomed (again)

B.C. will take yet another stab at electoral reform in 2018, but the odds look stacked against champions of change

What electoral reform could look like in British Columbia

Opinion: B.C.’s Parliament is fragile, but it’s time for the NDP government to get moving on electoral reform
Daniel Green’s Lego presentation

The Greens want electoral reform. It’s no surprise why.

The Liberals promised to change the way we vote. At its biennial convention, the Green Party is making its case for proportional representation.
Trudeau Electoral Reform

Did Justin Trudeau rule out one potential plan for electoral reform?

The PM suggested he’s hesitant about some styles of reform to replace first past the post, hinting at a version called mixed-member proportional representation
A voter waits to cast his ballot in Canada’s federal election at a polling station in Montreal

Interview: Trudeau on fixing the way Canadians pick MPs

’There’s a real question about how we are valuing our votes,’ Liberal leader tells Ottawa bureau chief John Geddes

Maclean’s panel: Frank talk about women in politics

Proportional representation? Mentoring? Kids in the House? A conversation with the Conservatives, Liberals and the NDP about women and political engagement
Craig Scott,

The case for mixed-member proportional representation

NDP MP Craig Scott explains his party’s position