Quebec Liberals

Anglade waves to delegates before her opening speech, at the Quebec Liberal convention, on Nov. 26, 2021 in Quebec City (Jacques Boissinot/CP)

338Canada: The Quebec Liberals in free-fall

Philippe J. Fournier: The party could lose as many as 14 seats compared to its 2018 results, and be driven out of French-speaking Quebec
Quebec’s Premier elect Philippe Couillard looks on during a news conference at the National Assembly in Quebec City

The return of the angry Quebec premier

Normally a picture of serenity, Philippe Couillard is losing his cool in the face of some surprisingly disciplined opposition
Pierre-Karl Peladeau

The PQ’s cycle of self-destruction is terrible for Quebec

The PQ seems less an opposition party than part and parcel of the Liberal Party’s re-election strategy

Why a former PQ minister shouldn’t scapegoat Quebec’s English voters

Yes, the Quebec Liberal party is a source of endless frustration. But the latest accusations blaming English voters are absurd.

Philippe Couillard is Harper’s man in the National Assembly

Why the PM would do well to reach out to the incoming Quebec premier
Pauline Marois

Outraged in Quebec? Wait 10 minutes--you’ll be outraged again

Martin Patriquin on a political pas de deux
Philippe Couillard

What could be Philippe Couillard’s unfortunate legacy

Hint: it has nothing to do with Arthur Porter

The legend of the delegated convention

They’re entertaining, but not quite as wild and crazy as you remember

Jean Charest’s buddies in bad times

While the corruption scandal rages on, Liberals can’t seem to get enough of their tainted former leader