
Gravel is thrown at Liberal leader Justin Trudeau, left, as the RCMP security detail provide protection, while protesters shout at a local microbrewery during the Canadian federal election campaign in London Ont., on Monday, September 6, 2021. (Nathan Denette/CP)

Protesters threw rocks at the PM. It should matter more.

Fatima Syed: Hate is a virus that grows rapidly if left unaddressed. And it’s been left unaddressed or dismissed by our political leaders for far too long.  
A woman smudges during a march to demand justice and raise awareness for Echaquan (Christinne Muschi/Reuters)

What Joyce Echaquan knew

Pam Palmater: Systemic racism in health care continues because it has been normalized, ignored and denied, while the system places an onerous burden on First Nations peoples to prove racist hospital treatment
Royson James (centre) and his sons, Sheldon James (left) and Darnell James (Photograph by Dimitri Aspinall)

George Floyd’s murder, one year later: Two generations of Black men on the fight against racism

Royson James and his two sons debate whether lasting progress has really been made in the fight against anti-Black racism
A protest march for Joyce Echaquan in Montreal on Oct. 3, 2020 (CP/Mario Beauregard)

A call to end racism in Canada’s health care systems

Jane Philpott: We don’t need more studies; we need action. We must seize this moment in history and act to prevent more senseless deaths.
Red paint is still visible on the sculpture of Macdonald at the entrance of The Prime Ministers Path in Wilmot, Ont. (Photograph by Yader Guzman)

A statue of John A. Macdonald rests in purgatory

A project featuring a statue of every Canadian PM has become a politically charged minefield as the legacies of the nation’s early leaders are reappraised according to contemporary standards
Rachel Chen and her son Mason, 7, and Tristan, 9, at their home in Caledon. In February, during the start of the pandemic, Mason was teased by a classmate and was told that he had the coronavirus because he is of Asian descent. “I was a little shocked that that happened because they’re so young. I guess I shouldn’t have been shocked but I was. I wanted to almost jump on it as a mama bear but I realized I kind of have to figure out what he was feeling and how he was feeling about the whole thing and not make a mountain out of a molehill right off the bat, and then take his lead and his understanding and how he felt and have that conversation about why someone had said that.” “Because we’re all isolated in our own worlds [right now], they’re not being exposed to what could potentially be racist comments but I do worry about what happens when they do go back to school in September.” “I worry that there might be some comments that would make them feel badly about being Chinese but I’m also hoping, anyway, with my older son, that he’s built enough confidence to be able to carry through knowing that as a Chinese Canadian, he should be proud of who he is.” She hopes to see a conversation happen at schools before the September school year starts about how everyone treats each other regardless of their skin colour.

Chinese Canadians share their experiences of racism during COVID-19

The pandemic has exposed Chinese Canadians to new levels of hatred and abuse. Here are just a few of their stories. Words and pictures by Jessica Lee
Clockwise from bottom left: Liz Ikiriko, Karina Vernon, Máiri McKenna Edwards, Kara Stewart-Agostino, and Melanie Carrington. (Photograph by Gillian Mapp)

’I don’t care whether All Lives Matter is said in ignorance—it’s just another example of racism’

Five Black women on their experiences of systemic racism within neighbourhoods across Canada
Evelyn Asiedu uses the Orbitrap mass spectrometer to view data for her research at the University of Alberta. (Courtesy of Evelyn Asiedu)

Canadian universities must collect race-based data

Evelyn Asiedu: The absence of demographic information on Black and racialized students renders their experiences untenable and provides no incentive for change
A helmet belonging to an Edmonton player is seen on the field during a team practice session in Winnipeg on Nov. 25, 2015. The CFL squad made the move Tuesday, following a similar decision by the NFL's Washington team as pressure mounts on teams to eliminate racist or stereotypical names. (John Woods/CP)

’To the football fans cheering the Edmonton team for decades: there was a time when society allowed this to happen. That time is over now.’

A conversation between Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami President Natan Obed and CFL wide receiver Nathaniel Behar on systemic racism in sports
NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh leaves after participating in a news conference, after he was ordered removed from the House of Commons for calling another MP racist, on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, on Jun. 17, 2020. (Justin Tang/CP)

Jagmeet Singh calls MP ’racist,’ but has he forgotten about Bill 21?

Tom Mulcair: Singh could use all of his credibility and personal experiences with racism to persuade Justin Trudeau to challenge Quebec’s discriminatory Bill 21. That would be helpful.