
David Adeeb Hassan, 2021 (Photograph by Carlos Osorio; Mural photo: Carlos Osorio/Reuters)

‘Hatred thrives when there is fear:’ What David Adeeb Hassan has learned since 9/11

’We are as much a part of the fabric of this community as anyone. But people didn’t know this. So post-9/11, we opened our doors,’ says Hassan, the then-chairman of the London Muslim Mosque.
A person walks past a COVID-19 mural in Toronto on April 12, 2021 (Nathan Denette/CP)

Ministry during a plague

Michael Coren: We listen, we counsel, we simply be there. Because beyond the daily realities of food shortage, unemployment and poor health is the acid cloud of loneliness.
Moscow, Idaho Worshippers listen to Pastor Doug Wilson's sermon at the Logos School. The topic of this day was biblical prophecy and the destruction of Jeruslaem in 70 CE. Wilson argues God regularly passes judgment on humanity and the latest - the end of liberal secularism, is happening now. (Photograph by Adnan R. Khan)

American evangelicals still see Trump as their anointed one. Why?

Adnan R. Khan: Fundamentalists are readying themselves for a confrontation with liberal secularism, with Trump as their crusading knight
U.S. Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett attends the Senate Judiciary Committee on the first day of her confirmation hearing on Oct. 12, 2020 (Caroline Brehman - Pool/Getty Images)

Amy Coney Barrett and the challenge of separating church and state

Michael Coren: America was founded on religious neutrality of its governance. For religious conservatives—even judges—it’s an increasingly difficult position.
Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds Press Briefing At The White House

The influential and controversial life of Canadian preacher Ravi Zacharias

Michael Coren: While his death this week escaped attention in Canada, the Christian apologist was a powerful figure who preached in more than 70 countries
Pastor Tony Spell talks to the media as he drives a bus of congregants after his Easter church services on April 12, 2020 in Central, Louisiana (Chris Graythen/Getty Images)

Faith during the coronavirus crisis: ’Love thy neighbour as yourself’

Michael Coren: Some fringe Christian church leaders are fighting orders not to hold services. Their actions have been more hysterical than holy.

The Coronavirus and God

Michael Coren: There have always been some Christians who see crises as punishment from God for our sins. Coronavirus has been no exception.

LGBTQ people and ’the harm being done by the Christian religion’

Michael Coren talks to the theologian and author Charles Fensham about the hatred toward LGBTQ people in conservative Christianity and how to stop it

What I learned wearing a clerical collar in public

Michael Coren: People want to talk, and the conversations and debates range from the good to the bad to the deeply moving

Andrew Scheer’s divided party

Stephen Maher: How the Conservative leader survived the first caucus meeting, as the party splits over the handling of social issues