Richard III


A dead king and now a winning football club: Leicester’s renaissance

A year after Richard III was buried, Leicester can’t stop its winning ways
Leicester Sees The Reinterment Of The Remains Of King Richard III

Can a dead king put Leicester on the tourist map?

Civic leaders are betting that King Richard III is just what Leicester needs
The Remains Of King Richard III Are Finally Laid To Rest

A burial fit for the last English king slain in battle

King Richard III’s remains are finally at rest, in Leicester Cathedral
Patricia Treble

What you need to know about Richard III’s reburial

Royal specialist Patricia Treble, our lady in Leicester, gets you set up for the parking lot king’s remarkable reinterment on Thursday
The skull of Richard III is seen in this photograph provided by the University of Leicester and received in London

Richard III: Dead king live tweets his final days

Final words — from the grave — in 140 characters or less

Is there anything Benedict Cumberbatch can’t do?

The actor, who is playing the slain king, will read a poem at Richard III’s reinterment
Bosworth Re-enactment.  2012.  Paul Benjamin Tebbutt/University of Leicester;

Battle of Bosworth: Hunting for descendants of those who fought

’Oh my God, why can’t you have children?’ Tracking down descendants wasn’t easy
Leicester Sees The Reinterment Of The Remains Of King Richard III

Richard III: Thousands line up to see the parking lot king

So many people want to see the medieval king that opening hours have been extended
‘Richard III’ play at the Old Vic Theatre, London, Britain – 28 Jun 2011

Was King Richard III a hunchback?

Shakespeare’s king was an hunchback, complete with withered arm and a limp. Scientists separate truth from fiction.

An obituary for an oak: From the backwoods to Richard III’s coffin

A century-old oak felled on Prince Charles’s estate is turned into a royal coffin