Sheryl Sandberg

Facebook Hearing

Canadians deserve answers from Mark Zuckerberg

Our editorial: Facebook’s senior leadership testified in front of U.S. Congress last year. Neither Zuckerberg nor COO Sheryl Sandberg cared enough to offer Canadians the same courtesy.
Facebook Inc. Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg Joins Key Speakers At Cannes Lions International Festival Of Creativity

Sheryl Sandberg: ’The lessons that I only learned in death’

Facebook’s COO shares lessons in life and loss with the Class of 2016
Allen And Company Annual Meeting Draws Top Business Leaders To Sun Valley, Idaho

Sheryl Sandberg’s cosmic ’Lean In’ moment

With a deeply personal essay about grieving her husband’s death, the Facebook COO reframes a fundamental human experience
Stock photo woman working 300×300

Lean In, for Sheryl Sandberg’s stock photography

A new initiative brings much-needed feminism to a seemingly innocuous field

Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In: The Movie

Glass ceiling meets silver screen thanks to Sony Pictures

Is maternity leave a bad idea?

The careers of women, and men, suffer when they take a year off work after having kids
Susan A. Patton on Fox

Princeton mom doesn’t speak for me

Find a husband on campus before I graduate? No thanks.

Girls season finale: The Greek chorus speaks, but Hannah’s hubris goes unpunished

He said, she said: talking points on season 2 of the hit HBO show
Time To Man Up

Sheryl Sandberg ignites a firestorm as she calls on working women to ’lean in’

Facebook executive aims to rewrite the rules while raising an uncomfortable subject