

The Amber Alert system on phones is already annoying people, and that’s dangerous

The problem isn’t that people are seriously inconvenienced when their phone buzzes for an Amber Alert, because they’re not. It’s that the system will desensitize them entirely, harming emergency preparedness in general.
Child playing mobile games on smartphone on the street

The technology trap: Should you give your kid a smartphone?

Parents are turning to devices to keep tabs on their children, affording the youngsters much-needed independence. Do the benefits outweigh the risks?

We’re asking the wrong questions about phone addiction

Opinion: On their own, smartphones aren’t necessarily a problem. It’s how they’re being used that’s troubling—and who is making us use them that way
Illustration by Kagan McLeod

Why are MPs browsing their phones during question period?

Whether they’re on Facebook, checking messages or even playing video games, mobile device use in the House is out of control

Is a better rechargeable battery finally in the works?

A better battery would be sweet relief for smartphone users. But there’s another industry that might benefit even more from it.

Smartphones, dissected

From the brick-like Motorola to today’s concerns about spying, Elizabeth Woyke’s fascinating book traces the history of smartphones
Chris Sorensen

Is BlackBerry back in black?

A quick look at BlackBerry’s financial statement confirms the tale of a company trying to shrink its way to profitability
Britain BlackBerry

BlackBerry saved ... for now

Is there such thing as a mercy takeover?
Thorsten Heins

The future of BlackBerry

Who will be willing to buy BlackBerry now?