south africa


Why Winnie Mandela could not be forgiven

Opinion: Despite character assassination and imprisonment, Winnie Mandela died at the age of 81 without experiencing forgiveness for her alleged crimes
EFF Rally In Pretoria

Is Julius Malema the new Nelson Mandela?

How a radical leader with a checkered past is winning voters away from the party of Nelson Mandela and inspiring a new kind of politics

The true measure of Nelson Mandela

Mandela was what his nation needed, and had no right to expect. He was released from prison 25 years ago on Feb. 11, 1990

Newsmaker of the day: Eugene de Kock, aka ’Prime Evil’

Apartheid death squad leader Eugene de Kock is granted parole
South Africa Mideast Israel Palestinians

Palestine’s most uncommon ally

Equating its apartheid past with Israel, South Africa has emerged as one of Palestine’s most outspoken supporters
What in the world: Screen capture

What in the world is going on in 2014?

From war and politics to sports and culture, the global calendar is already crowded

‘Remember this always’

I didn’t realize until it was too late how few perfectly incorruptible human beings there are

From the archives: The lessons of Mandela

In his 1990 report, Allan Fotheringham witnesses history as a jailed martyr tastes freedom

Will the centre hold in South Africa?

The ruling African National Congress is under pressure to redistribute resources to the black majority
Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela conquered apartheid, united his country and inspired the world

His remarkable journey was one of the great sagas of our time