Steven Blaney

Steven Blaney, Maxime Bernier, Lisa Raitt

The Conservative Party leadership debate that didn’t matter

Who ’won’ the second French debate of the Tories’ leadership race? It’s immaterial. The real campaign is about to begin.
Parliament Ends 20150618

Conservatives made deal to quiet dissent on C-51, gun group says

The president of the National Firearms Association says the Conservatives offered the group a deal if he didn’t speak out against Bill C-51—then reneged
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau speaks at the Royal York Hotel about “Liberty in a culturally diverse society.” while addressing the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada

Justin Trudeau and a Liberal take on liberty

Paul Wells on Trudeau’s speech, Bill C-51 and a nation’s capital, gripped with fear
Peace Tower

Everything you need to know about C-51

Aaron Wherry chats with law prof Craig Forcese
Ottawa Shooting 20141023

Oct. 22 vs. Oct. 23: The terror debate officially begins

Is the House of Commons up to the task?
Canada’s Veterans Affairs Minister Blaney speaks during Question Period in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa

The Yes minister: Can Steven Blaney stand up to the boss he loves?

Steven Blaney rose to the top with his fierce loyalty to Harper. Now, as head of Public Safety, will he push back?
Steven Blaney

Imagine a world without Gangnam Style

Steven Blaney on the significance of our military history