Stockwell Day

Canadian Alliance Leader Stockwell Day holds up a sign to make a point on national health care during the English leaders' debate on Nov. 9, 2000 (Tom Hanson/CP)

Federal election 2021: On health care, the song remains the same

Paul Wells: Spend enough time covering politics and you eventually deal with weapons-grade déjà vu. Case in point: Liberals warning about the public health system.
Stockwell Day rises during Question Period in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Dec. 14, 2010. (Adrian Wyld/CP)

Stockwell’s day is done

Tabatha Southey: Seriously, you could not do worse than Day—I’d take a committed nudist over Wetsuit Guy
Gilles Duceppe, Jack Layton, Stephen Harper, Michael Ignatieff

Important moments in Canadian election debate history

With Maclean’s debate coming Aug. 6, here’s a look at how a misplaced prop or a perfect one-liner in a debate can affect fortunes—for better or worse
trudeau dinner

How much does Justin Trudeau’s personal wealth matter?

Thomas Mulcair joins the Conservatives in questioning Trudeau’s economic status