
(Illustrations by Melanie Lambrick)

Did the pandemic make post-secondary students more resilient?

More than two thirds of students surveyed told us that they have felt optimistic, productive and equipped to handle their problems during the pandemic. But this isn’t a straightforward story about resilience.
budgeting tips (Illustration by Sam Island)

9 budgeting tips for university students

Hooray! You made it to university and you get to decide which courses to take, which clubs to join and what to eat for dinner. Also: how much money to spend.
The University of Victoria divested its working capital fund of fossil fuels after students held a protest at the school’s administrative building (Colin Smith)

Inside the student-led movements urging Canadian universities to divest from fossil fuels

University students across Canada are frustrated by the slow pace of halting dangerous climate change, and they are wielding their power to do something about it
People in Katoomba, Australia, saw these scattered bushfires on the horizon in December 2019 (Brett Hemmings/Getty Images)

Six Canadian university students on how they’re fighting climate change

University students in Canada are paying more attention to climate change than ever before. It’s their future that’s in limbo, they say, and they want companies and governments—and their own schools—to start listening.

Anxiety was always at the root of my achievements. The pandemic made things worse.

’I would ask myself: How successful am I in my classes? At helping my parents? At maintaining my appearance? At honing my hobbies? At being lonely?’
Wanda Roberts poses for a photo in Yellowknife

Personal care workers describe what led them to their jobs

Many of these workers train in colleges, work in long-term care and in hospitals and are at the very front line of the Canadian health-care system

Trudeau’s daily coronavirus briefing: A new emergency fund for students [Full Transcript]

The $9 billion fund, announced by the PM on April 22, will provide eligible students with $1,250 per month from May to August. ’In Canada, we look out for each other.’

Trudeau needs to be this election’s big man on campus

John Geddes: High turnout among young voters helped Trudeau mightily in 2015 and he is bidding to recapture some of that magic in this fall’s campaign
Teens For Gun Reform Hold Protest At The White House

Is this the beginning of the end of the NRA?

Scott Gilmore: After Parkland, NRA opponents are motivated and have the tools to mobilize. And for the first time, the gun lobby group is vulnerable.
High-school students standing in front of lockers

Canada’s teenagers are world beaters

Our editorial: According to a new survey of the world’s 15 year olds, Canadian teens are harder working and more energetic than their global peers.