Sun Media


David Akin: In defence of Sun News

Sun Media’s national bureau chief weighs in on what was missing from coverage of Sun News Network’s demise
Jason Kirby

Postmedia deal: Part financial engineering, part wishful thinking

It’s still not clear what buying even more struggling newspapers will do for Postmedia’s long-term financial viability
Pierre Karl Peladeau

Pierre Karl Péladeau: King of Quebec

Quebecor’s restless titan: He controls the province’s media and its star system. Courted by politicians, he’s feared by journalists
Missing image

Sun Media choosing ‘shock value’ over transparency

Media ombudsmen head calls decision to leave Ontario Press Council ‘short-sighted’
TV Sun News Network 20110418

Sun News Network: Hard News. Straight Talk. Short Skirts.

Levant probably figured the door would burst open to reveal two censors and an angry sheik, but nothing