Thomas Mulcair

Thomas Mulcair,

What is Thomas Mulcair thinking? (surely it’s not ’comeback’)

David Moscrop: His defeat wasn’t merely a punishment for losing—it was a rejection of his politics—and it’s time for Mulcair to let his successor lead

The case for taking our politicians off Twitter

That may not seem transparent. But politicians on Twitter are making our politics more riven
Rachel Notley

Wildrose and Alberta NDP tag-team Tom Mulcair

Brian Jean asked Rachel Notley to condemn Mulcair’s position on the oil sands. Her deputy premier obliged.

The secret ingredient—and potentially fatal flaw—of political leadership

Tom Mulcair’s efforts to cling to his job isn’t desperate, writes Evan Solomon. It’s a reminder that good leaders are ones who take risks with conviction
Thomas Mulcair

Thomas Mulcair: How he’s ready to spar in 2016

Tom Mulcair’s back, taking on the new PM, fighting for good-paying jobs—and addressing his own future
Tom Mulcair

Tom Mulcair vows he will stay on as leader of NDP

As he questions the Liberal plan to bring in 25,000 refugees, Mulcair tells Evan Solomon that Canada’s Japanese internment camps are like Nazi camps
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau, left to right, Conservative Leader Stephen Harper and NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair join hands prior to the Munk Debate on foreign affairs, in Toronto

Numbers over narrative: The truth about Oct. 19

The niqab issue may not have sunk the NDP in Quebec, and voters didn’t abandon Stephen Harper. Pollsters sift through the data for nuggets of election truth

Scott Feschuk recaps the three speeches from election night

Three leaders with no regrets at all spoke about their campaigns after it was all over. And it was almost as if two of them didn’t lose.

Can Google predict who will win the election?

It’s possible that what we search for could be more indicative of how we’ll vote in elections than what we tell pollsters, but so far the evidence is mixed
Tom Mulcair

Can the NDP be first place for First Nations?

With 22 Indigenous candidates, and a fully-costed platform, the NDP is hoping to turn Aboriginal voters away from the Liberals