Katerina Savard stars in Nadia, Butterfly. (Maxime Cormier/Annie Tremblay Communications)

One Canadian swimmer’s journey to the Tokyo Olympics through the film Nadia, Butterfly

Olympic swimmer Katerine Savard hoped to walk the red carpet at the premiere of her film in Cannes, then make her final bid for gold at the summer games in Tokyo. COVID-19 had other plans.

14 Oscar-worthy films at the Toronto International Film Festival

From Renée Zellweger making a comeback as Judy Garland to Joaquin Phoenix playing the Joker to Michael B. Jordan and Jamie Foxx’s dramatic retelling of a Harvard law graduate’s fight for those wrongfully convicted in the South—the 14 TIFF films you’ll likely see at the Academy Awards

What does the graphic nature of Black death in film say about us?

Opinion: Black people being beaten bloody and mutilated shouldn’t be a necessary tool for enlightenment

10 powerful films from TIFF 2017 that deserve an Oscar nod

With the Toronto International Film Festival drawing to a close on Sunday, the Oscar race is now officially underway. Here are some worthy contenders.
Pakistani schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai leaves after speaking at Birmingham library in Birmingham

Davis Guggenheim: Malala, her father, and a revealing new film

The director of ’An Inconvenient Truth’ on his latest film, about an ordinary girl who has made extraordinary choices
A production still from the movie Sicario (Richard Foreman, Jr. SMPSP)

The king of coke: Why ’Narcos’ triumphs over ’Sicario’

They’re both takes on South American drug cartels, but ’Narcos’ proves that you need time to tell a story this complex

Of lisps and linguistics: The power of the gay voice

A filmmaker examines the mysterious origin of the "gay voice"
Emma Teitel

The power of erotic nostalgia

For the most part, lesbian love on screen, especially of the coming-of-age variety, is a bad omen
Portrait of Jon Stewart.  Photograph by Kourosh Keshiri.

Video: Jon Stewart brings an Iranian-Canadian’s story to life

Jon Stewart’s genius for finding humour in the banality of evil makes its way to his directorial debut, ’Rosewater’
3rd Annual TIFF Gala

Confessions of a recovering film addict and TIFF-oholic

A long-time film critic on TIFF 2014 and the annual ritual resurrection of our faith in cinema