Justin Trudeau Chrystia Freeland

The USMCA locks Canada in on digital trade—and at a worrying time

Opinion: There are notable differences in Canada’s approach to data between the ’new NAFTA’ and the TPP, and they may have troubling consequences

The USMCA keeps Canada in America’s thrall

Opinion: The ’new NAFTA’ solves a serious crisis in the short term. But Canada made significant concessions—it was always going to have to—and that’s a big long-term problem
President Trump Announces Exit From Iran Nuclear Deal And Reinstating Of Sanctions

Donald Trump’s diplomatic treason

Scott Gilmore: From Russia to the TPP and now Iran, Trump’s foreign policy moves have hurt U.S. influence in return for no benefit. It is beyond bad.

The Liberal Party insider who saved the TPP trade deal

After Trudeau’s no show at a leaders’ meeting in Vietnam, the trade deal seemed at risk. So Canada sent Ian McKay to repair the damage.
TPP Canada 2080123

Three lessons from TPP that could help Canada in the NAFTA talks

Opinion: To strike a deal that’s good for the country, Canada has to be willing to walk away from the negotiating table
Xi Jinping and Donald Trump

As the U.S. retreats on trade, China is quietly picking up the pieces

Canada has committed to diversifying its global trade portfolio. The key question now is how closely to align with China’s growing influence

What Canada’s trade strategy should look like under Trump

Canada should continue to position itself to set the global standard for openness to the movement of products, expertise, people, technologies, and ideas

What happens when the walls go up?

Trump wants to tear up trade deals like NAFTA. How will a trade-dependent economy like Canada cope in a protectionist world?
Production Associates inspect cars moving along assembly line at Honda manufacturing plant in Alliston, Ontario.

No, the TPP won’t cost Canada 20,000 auto manufacturing jobs

The claim that the TPP will lead to massive job losses in the auto sector is built on dubious assumptions, and overlooks the deal’s benefits to consumers
Trudeau gestures as he arrives on stage during a campaign rally in Edmonton

Trudeau’s economic fix: Easy to promise, hard to deliver

Don’t expect a sudden rebound in the economy now that Trudeau is in charge. The global downturn will make things worse before they get better.