UN Climate Change Conference

Climate Change protest in Brussels

It’s time for climate-change defeatists to get out of the way

David Moscrop: We can’t address an existential threat with our fellow citizens standing in our path. They rob us of the hope we need to save ourselves
Climate change deal struck at Paris Summit

After the Paris climate change deal, the real work starts

Climate change talks with the provinces, the U.S. and Mexico will keep Catherine McKenna in negotiations for the time being.
Earth: the conservative option

Canada endorses tougher 1.5-degree limit to global warming

Canada supports a stiffer target at the Paris climate talks as the Liberals continue to try to differentiate themselves from the last government
metivier (1)

Behind the scenes with Canada’s lead climate conference negotiator

The Liberals want an ambitious agreement at the Paris climate talks. Meet the woman who’s trying to get us there.

Hot air at the Paris climate summit

Canada’s delegation to the Paris climate talks speaks in lofty tones. But hints about targets are hard to come by.
Catherine McKenna

UN climate summit: Legally bound but not ’legally binding’

Will the UN set legally binding targets, or just legally bind countries to set their targets? Welcome to diplomacy.

What fish have to teach the Paris climate conference

The world may find our prime minister all the rage, but it’s scientists who are in vogue. And a leading one makes a compelling case against changing environmental goals
Justin Trudeau  Greg Selinger Stephen McNeil Kathleen Wynne Philippe Couillard Brian Gallant Christy Clark Darrell Pasloski

At the First Ministers summit, the meeting was the message

Justin Trudeau practices his climate message at a first ministers meeting meant to telegraph change
Brad Wall

Amid a climate-change parade, Brad Wall casts himself as Harper Lite

A day after Alberta announced new policies to fight climate change, Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall strikes a more fretful tone
Volkswagen Leadership Convenes

How climate cheaters make the rest of us pay

Volkswagen may have been caught in the most public scandal. But you hardly have to own a VW to be taken for a ride.