U.S. Supreme Court

U.S. Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett attends the Senate Judiciary Committee on the first day of her confirmation hearing on Oct. 12, 2020 (Caroline Brehman - Pool/Getty Images)

Amy Coney Barrett and the challenge of separating church and state

Michael Coren: America was founded on religious neutrality of its governance. For religious conservatives—even judges—it’s an increasingly difficult position.

How Christine Blasey Ford and Anita Hill walked the impossible knife’s edge

Shannon Proudfoot: ’Separated by 27 years and a social landscape that has supposedly shifted on its moorings, two remarkable testimonies share inescapable parallels’
Brett Kavanaugh

Brett Kavanaugh can’t squeeze in a word at his own confirmation hearing

Protestors wailed, senators cried foul, security hauled spectators from the chamber. An that was before the nominee opened his mouth
Trump’s Supreme Court Nomination Set To Meet Lawmakers On Capitol Hill

Why Canada’s Supreme Court appointments are nothing like America’s circus

Opinion: By and large, we’re lucky that the forces that produced America’s deeply partisan Supreme Court appointment process don’t really exist anywhere else
Pro-Choice supporters try to block Pro-Life demonstrators in front of the Supreme Court during the annual March for Life on the anniversary of the historic Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling in Washington, USA on January 27, 2017. Photo, Samuel Corum/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images.

How a judge’s retirement may be putting U.S. abortion rights at risk

As one key U.S. Supreme Court justice retires this summer, the future of all manner of issues — and abortion rights in particular — have been called into question
Antonin Scalia

An historic battle approaches over the U.S. Supreme Court

Replacing Antonin Scalia with even a middle-of-the-road moderate would alter the court
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TMI? The U.S. Supreme Court joins the blogosphere

That judges are somehow splendidly isolated is one of the cardinal fictions of the American judiciary
APTOPIX Supreme Court Health Care

Roberts Ruling redux: A closer look at the ’Obamacare’ decision

Court gives Obama a big legal victory, and Republicans a rallying cry to get their voters to the polls.

Careful what you wish for, Prof. Mendes

Colby Cosh on how we might as well go ahead and hold the funeral if democracy is so easily buyable
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A Lord resurrected

Some of Conrad Black’s harshest critics admit they were too quick to judge