
Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of Mexico, U.S. President Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau in Washington, DC, November 18, 2021. (Chris Kleponis/Pool via CNP)

Three Amigos summit: No awkward handshakes—but no concessions on the electric vehicle tax credit, either

Politics Insider for Nov. 19, 2021: The PM has a tough trip; the military heads to B.C.; a big vaccine day
The border crossing from St. Stephen, New Brunswick to Calais, Maine. (Photo: Getty Images)

Crossing the U.S. border by land: What you need to know

Once the border opens on Nov. 8, fully vaccinated Canadians—including those with mixed vaccines—will be allowed entry.
The Ambassador Bridge in Detroit on Oct. 4, 2021. (Carlos Osorio/Associated Press)

U.S. to open the border to vaccinated Canadians in November

Politics Insider for Oct. 13, 2021: America relents; Chrystia Freeland’s possible moves; and Michael Wernick’s best advice
U.S. customs officers stand at the U.S.-Canada border in Lansdowne, Ont., on March 22, 2020 (LARS HAGBERG/AFP via Getty Images)

While Trump eyes tariffs, Americans really want more Canada

A new poll of U.S. attitudes show that Americans want less ’America first’ and a lot more Canada. A third of them would even prefer to live here.
Embarked For France

How America’s memory of the First World War slipped away

The Great War marked the true beginning of the American century. But 100 years later, “the war to end all wars” is largely forgotten in the U.S.

A dummies’ guide to Stephen Miller

Who is the White House advisor popping up all over cable news to defend Donald Trump’s most controversial actions?
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Haiti: are we ready to lead?

Making it work will take generations, not years
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Canada’s biggest problem? America

From protectionist policy to border security to environmental laws, our best friend is making our lives miserable
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Why we’re so much like the Americans

What could be more Canadian than hysteria over some largely invented threat to the health care system?