veterans affairs

Justin Trudeau

The Trudeau government’s education plan for veterans is stingy

Opinion: The Liberals promised the first meaningful reintegration program for veterans in decades. Then, the bureaucrats got involved
Britain’s Prince Harry, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mayor John Tory cheer on sledge hockey atheletes during the Invictus Games media launch in Toronto

At the Invictus Games, not all veterans are winners

Opinion: A veteran on how celebrating the sporting achievements of a few allows Canadians to forget about the plight of thousands of other former servicepeople

The truth, like Stephen Harper, is out there

Mulder and Scully reunite in the odd case of Canadian veterans regrowing limbs
Erin O’Toole

Newsmaker of the day: Who is Erin O’Toole?

Newsmaker, Jan. 5: The former Sea King navigator tapped to mollify angry veterans
Paul Wells

Man (not quite) overboard! The PMO half-shuffles Fantino

Paul Wells on Stephen Harper’s oddly uncharacteristic half-measure in moving Fantino to national defence
Missing image

For the record: Julian Fantino on his work at Veteran Affairs

’I will remain forever grateful to the countless veterans I had the distinct honour of meeting’
Aaron Wherry

What’s going on at Veterans Affairs?

Seriously though, shouldn’t we be able to answer that question?
Julian Fantino

The morass of the Veterans Affairs controversy

Questions about Veterans Affairs that beg for answers
Julian Fantino

QP Live: The government lost a veteran’s vote

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