
FedElxn Prep 20190829

Make sure you know where to vote on October 21. Here’s how.

Before October 15, there were lots of options to vote while away from home. That’s no longer the case.
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Ontario’s experiment with vote-counting machines could change elections to come

The Tories raised concerns, but you can expect electronic tabulators to be fixtures in future votes throughout the country
Ontario election

Ontario election 2018: How to decline your vote

Not happy with the candidate choices this election? If you’re feeling stuck, but still want to participate in democracy (as you should), you could exercise the little-known option of declining your vote.
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Where to vote in Ontario election 2018

Everything you need to know about how to register to vote, and what to do on election day
Voters wait in line at a polling station in Quebec City

Canada must reform its stunningly inadequate political advertising rules

Opinion: Bruce Anderson on how Canada’s democracy is vulnerable to modern forces that our current election rules are ill-equipped to handle
A voter enters a polling station for the Federal Election in Toronto (Mark Blinch/Reuters)

Should older people lose the right to vote?

Some have argued that disenfranchising the elderly would allow younger people to make decisions about their future, but is it really that simple?
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A dozen Canadian facts about marriage, religion and modern life

A look at how Canadians cook, marry, worship, vote and so much more
Quebec’s Premier Pauline Marois smiles during a news conference before calling an election at the National Assembly in Quebec City

Quebec Votes: Depends what you mean by ’Quebec’

The dispute over who gets to vote is a dispute over who’s a real Quebecer
casting vote

Young Canadians aren’t formally participating in democracy

New report shows how we ’get political’ between elections
Adrian Dix

The meaning of Adrian Dix’s defeat

Progressives: Be tough and get young people to vote for you