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Nothing prepared me for what I saw in Ukraine

When war broke out in Ukraine I went to help in any way I can, including transporting babies safely across the border. I have nightmares of what I witnessed—and plan to go back.
Ghulam Faizi

I fought with Canada. Now the government is leaving my family to be killed by the Taliban.

In their words, interpreters Hameed Khan and Ghulam Faizi discuss the harrowing battle to bring their families to safety following the fall of Kabul
Svyatik Artemenko, a goalkeeper with Guelph United FC, had just landed a spot on a team in Ukraine when the war began. (Photograph courtesy of Guelph United F.C.)

A Soldier’s Story: From Canada to Ukraine

I left Canada to pursue my pro soccer dream in Ukraine, where I was born. When Russia invaded, I joined the only team that mattered.
Yaroslava, left, and her 11-year-old son Nazar escaped from Ukraine as the war broke out. They travelled five days and hundreds of kilometres in search of sanctuary. (Photography by Markian Lozowchuk)

My escape from Ukraine to Canada

My family fled Kyiv on March 1. We travelled to four countries in five days and then spread out across three continents. Now I’m in Canada, hoping to one day see Ukraine again.

‘Anybody want to drive this ambulance to Ukraine?’

Responding to an urgent call for working ambulances on the ground, two Canadian EMTs jumpstarted a fundraising campaign and embarked on a remarkable three-day journey from Victoria, B.C., to war-torn Ukraine
Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly speaks with the media as she arrives for a meeting of NATO foreign ministers at NATO headquarters in Brussels, April 7, 2022. (Olivier Matthys/AP Photo)

Canada will redistribute seized assets to victims of war

Politics Insider for April 27: Poilievre’s pipeline plan; Charest’s carbon tax repeal; a "disgraceful" leaked email

Margaret MacMillan in conversation with Paul Wells: Maclean’s Live

Canada’s most distinguished historian joins Maclean’s senior writer Paul Wells for a talk about momentous times—including the year 2020
Canadian troops in France in 1944 (Bettmann/Getty Images)

The horrors and benefits of human conflict

Renowned historian Margaret MacMillan explores war’s significance and legacy—and what she’s worried about right now
A Glimpse Into Life In Russia Today

Russia’s coming attack on Canada

The smear job on Chrystia Freeland is only the start. Why Canada is a logical next target in Moscow’s desperate clandestine war

The strange science of war, as told by Mary Roach

Another compulsively readable book from science writer Mary Roach