Wilfrid Laurier University

(Courtesy of Wilfred Laurier University)

Wilfrid Laurier University: Student life on campus

An insider’s guide to the best place to live, campus food and more

How Canada can produce more ’unicorns’ and dominate the tech world

Wilfrid Laurier University’s business school has a program to help Canadian start-ups take on world markets—and win. And it’s free.
(Wilfrid Laurier University)

Wilfrid Laurier University: student life on campus

An insider’s guide to the best place to study, weirdest tradition and more

What about Waterloo?

Consider post-secondary options in the burgeoning tech hub
Wilfrid Laurier girls soccer

Wilfrid Laurier University: student tips for surviving life on campus

The best campus food, watering hole, place to nap and more

Teaching entrepreneurship and social innovation at Wilfrid Laurier

It’s not enough to have good products anymore. Companies need a pristine reputation as well.

Read: Laurier president’s full statement on the Lindsay Shepherd debacle

’There were numerous errors in judgement made in the handling of the meeting with Lindsay Shepherd. In fact, the meeting never should have happened at all.’
Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson and the big mistake of university censors

Stephen Maher: Learning to think means learning to entertain opposing ideas, not imposing a safety culture on campus
The statue of Prime Minister John A. Macdonald by artist Ruth Abernethy at Wilfrid Laurier University

Stop hating Sir John A. (and other history lessons)

Canada is suffering from a rampant myopic urge to erase the entirety of its history. Why it’s time to stop the attacks on our past.
Music therapy

Music therapy is no longer languishing on medicine’s fringes

Music therapy is gaining legitimacy in the medical community, leading to more programs and jobs