William Shatner


William Shatner remembers Leonard Nimoy

William Shatner’s latest book chronicles 50 years of friendship with Leonard Nimoy
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A camp counsellor named William Shatner

Holocaust survivor Fred Bild recounts how the future Capt. Kirk taught him English in six weeks
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This week : Good news, bad news

Elizabeth May calls for civility in Ottawa, while Barack Obama backs away from a pledge to close Gitmo
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Killing Captain Kirk

A show-stopping visit to Banff last week confirms no one’s mocking William Shatner anymore
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Prince Harry takes flight, Very enterprising and Will we see less of Oprah’s fans?
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Mailbag: Jason Spezza, Tony Clement and why William Shatner can suck it

Scott Feschuk elaborates on his campaign for Governor General
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This Week: Good news/ Bad news

Plus a week in the life of Gordon Campbell
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On top of the World

Sidney Crosby lifts his team—and the nation—in what might go down as the greatest game of all time