Year Ahead 2019


Hey, academics. Get out of the ivory tower. We need your expertise.

Opinion: Punditry and blunt-force debate has stolen the public discourse. More than ever, academics must inform people about the nuances of current research and ideas

These are the books you need to read in 2019

More Trump, memoirs and Ian McEwan: Many titles evoke the U.S. leader, but there’s respite­, and even the devil, in fiction

Three classic dystopian flicks were set in 2019. Did they hit the mark?

Blade Runner, Akira, and The Running Man all offer dystopian views of 2019. That says something about the present we’re currently living—but not in the way you think
Ms. Foundation 30th Annual Gloria Awards And After Party – Inside

Will this be the year that men finally start listening?

Opinion: As #MeToo continues to evolve, men are beginning to learn that their days of insouciantly ignoring women’s concerns about sexual misconduct are over

Can Vine, Winamp, Gawker and the Razr make improbable comebacks?

They all looked very, very dead, once. But these companies will try to resurrect themselves this year.
Canadian flag waving with Parliament Buildings hill and Library

Canada will rule the world, a century after Laurier intended

David Moscrop: Canada has faced major challenges, and sometimes failed. But as major powers peck themselves to death, we’ve set ourselves up as a global leader.

Dear disposable straws...

For more than a century, you’ve helped us sip with ease. Even as the world moves on, we can’t throw away your legacy.
Marc Garneau

New taxes, wage hikes and more: 49 new laws across Canada in 2019

A ban on plastic bags, Inuktut language classes, edible marijuana rules and more

Canada will soon legalize edibles—and the market is enormous

Edible marijuana products are coming in October 2019, along with a flood of new regulations and legal questions

Fake video is a big problem. And it’s only going to get worse.

A wave of new technology will soon mean anyone can produce convincing forgeries