Adrienne Tanner

Hopital Glengarry Memorial Hospital in Alexandria, Ont., on Friday, Sept. 25, 2020. (Photograph by Justin Tang)

The gruesome killing of an Alberta GP puts a spotlight on physician abuse

Walter Reynolds was bludgeoned to death by a patient, shocking Canada’s medical community and prompting physicians to share their own dangerous brushes with abuse
BC Tweed Joint Venture on the outskirts of Vancouver B.C. in Delta and Aldergrove BC. (Jen Osborne/Redux)

Why legal pot was taking a hit in Canada, weeks before COVID-19 sent markets plunging

The gains cannabis companies were banking on in the lead-up to legalization of recreational sales in October 2018 have not materialized. So, what went sideways?
A file image taken at the Insite safe injection facility in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside (Darryl Dyck/CP)

A safe supply for drug users may be the only way to head off an even greater coronavirus tragedy

Vancouver’s mayor has urgently asked Ottawa for a legal exemption, saying users’ need to source drugs makes social-distancing impossible for them

Will Canada’s only NDP government survive 2020?

John Horgan is Canada’s sole NDP premier, thanks to a power-sharing agreement with the Greens. More than two years in, Canada’s last NDP government seems stable.

Vancouver’s ’symbol of disparity’: a $4.8-million chandelier

The city’s latest piece of public art: a vision of opulence in the type of space where homeless people seek shelter

This American caribou is the last of its kind—and it lives in Canada

The fate of the mountain caribou species now rests entirely within Canada and biologists are worried.

Jagmeet Singh is dancing like he won the election. There’s a reason for that.

New Democrats were in full celebration mode after their leader pulled their party back from the abyss. Now the hard part begins.

How TRU draws 3,500 students from 100 different countries

It’s not easy for a fledgling school like Thompson Rivers University to compete on the international stage. That’s why they have a special strategy: TLC.

From Bogota to the B.C. interior: Four international students on choosing TRU

The fact that the school is in a smaller, less expensive city is part of the appeal. “It offered more of a community. You get to know your classmates.”

West-coast water foragers turn off their taps—and go straight to the source

Some confess to vague mistrust of municipal systems and government-sanctioned health advice. Their ideas range from the earthy to the fanciful.