Alex Derry

Statues at liberty

Who will pay for these statues of Jack Layton?

Lea Vivot has three life-sized statues of the late NDP leader in the works
Inconvenient truth?

Inconvenient truth?

Al Gore drops a hint about Apple’s anticipated new iPhone launch
Saying nyet to a Soviet emblem

Saying nyet to a Soviet emblem

Europe’s highest court bans the hammer and sickle from being trademarked
Pray—but not outside

Pray—but not outside

A new ban against street prayer in France sends Muslims looking for space to worship
Missing image

Don’t touch my typewriter!

Production of typewriters in India has ceased, but not the country’s reverence for them
The woman in a war zone

The woman in a war zone

Sky News correspondent Alex Crawford says there are dangers everywhere, whether in Libya or London
Denying both famine and aid

Denying both famine and aid

The drought in Somalia has revealed cracks in al-Shabaab’s tenuous and brutal control over the region
Political correctness gone mad?

Political correctness gone mad?

The UN upbraids Canada for its use of the term ‘visible minority’
Photo by Chris Devers c/o Flickr Creative Commons

Just because it should be free, doesn’t mean you can steal it

Aaron Swartz’s arrest reveals the limits of open access ‘hacktivism’
Taking the law in their hands

Taking the law in their hands

A far-right group in Hungary is cracking down on what it calls "gypsy crime"