Shanda Deziel

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How a life-changing diagnosis led one goalie to an unexpected NHL job

Jordan Sigalet was himself a force between the posts in his early 20s. Then one morning he awoke with numbness in his foot.
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How financial literacy programs can do more harm than good

By making it seem as if financial well-being is more a matter of choice than circumstance, these programs reduce sympathy for those living in poverty.
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology

Northern Alberta Institute of Technology offers degree shortcut for tradespeople

NAIT gives tradespeople a chance to add business degrees to their resumés by giving credit for experience

How we judge sexual assault perpetrators—and their victims

Zoe Whittall’s latest novel navigates the minefield of consent, rape and insiders turned to the outside
Hockey player Dominic Cozzolino. (Photograph by Finn O’Hara)
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Dominic Cozzolino gets back into the game

A freak accident dashed Dominic Cozzolino’s first dreams. His refusal to give up has pushed him to the top.
Louise Warren. (Photograph by Colin Way)
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To serve and forecheck

Calgary’s Louise Warren has learned that what works on the ice works on the streets

Maclean’s archives: Prince’s new lease on funk

In 2004, Shanda Deziel interviewed Prince about homecoming, monogamy, love, and his music industry revolution
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Chad Brownlee’s hurtin’ music

Injuries forced Chad Brownlee out of the game he loved, and into something else that needs courage and commitment: country music
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BONINO! BONINO! BONINO! How a hockey man found his calling

Most NHL broadcasters don’t look like Harnarayan Singh. They haven’t done what he has to get there, either.

How to survive your doctor

Advice from a seasoned M.D. on beating medical arrogance and a flawed system