

Why a college degree matters right now

Canada relies on colleges to train the workforce of the future. The Maclean’s Ultimate Guide to Canadian Colleges provides a roadmap for the students of tomorrow.

What these international students wish they’d known before heading to college

Jobs, weather, friends, housing: how to make a new life in a new country

How a college degree is the ticket to a massive career

We asked the presidents of three top Canadian schools why the best preparation for a fast-changing job market starts at college

The best college programs for today’s job market

Institutes across the country offer roughly 10,000 programs—here are six of the hottest subjects to study for today’s job market, and the best schools for each one. 
Courtesy of Dave Reyno/Université Sainte-Anne

Université Sainte-Anne

Université Sainte-Anne | Pointe-de-l’Église, N.S. | Founded 1890


Introducing the 2022 3M National Teaching Fellowship Award Winners

Celebrating some of the country’s best university and college teachers
(Illustrations by Melanie Lambrick)

Did the pandemic make post-secondary students more resilient?

More than two thirds of students surveyed told us that they have felt optimistic, productive and equipped to handle their problems during the pandemic. But this isn’t a straightforward story about resilience.
McGregor, co-director of the Amplify Podcast Network (Courtesy of Hannah McGregor)

Extending scholarship to oral traditions through podcasting

How a group of creative Canadian academics is changing the face—or is that sound?—of scholarship
Ren Louie (Photograph by Taylor Roades)

A children’s book about traditional drumming ’feels like coming full circle’ for this Indigenous author

As a child, Ren Louie learned traditional drumming. As a student, he learned the importance of storytelling. As an author, he found a way to bring them together.
budgeting tips (Illustration by Sam Island)

9 budgeting tips for university students

Hooray! You made it to university and you get to decide which courses to take, which clubs to join and what to eat for dinner. Also: how much money to spend.