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UWinnipeg profs brace for strike

’Assume the strike is on unless the website says it’s not’ UWFA
By Sarah Petz
University of Winnipeg professors are poised to walk Thursday morning if negotiations between the University of Winnipeg Faculty Association and university administration fall through before midnight.

“Assume the strike is on unless the website says it’s not,” reads UWFA “strike information website.” The site explains that members are invited to join the picket line at 8:00 a.m. Thurday morning, with picket lines organized for three downtown locations.

Meanwhile, the university announced yesterday that actuaries evaluating the university’s pension plan have revealed that an additional $3 million in pension contributions will be needed to cover shortfalls in the university’s pension fund, caused by the recession and the fact that employees are living longer, according to the Winnipeg Free Press.

However, UWFA spokesperson Shannon Sampert questioned the truthfulness of this revelation.

“Is this another way to scare us into accepting a wage freeze, so they can cover pensions?” Sampert said in an interview with the Free Press. “I’ve got to question the timing and whether this is truthful or if this is fear mongering. If it is, shame on them.”

Both sides are in talks with a conciliator appointed by the Manitoba government today.