Maclean’s magazine cover

Canada’s not for sale. Maclean’s is.


The Iggy tour of Southwestern Ontario continues. Hamilton! Kent Bridge! Chatham! Brantford! Waterloo! Cambridge

And speaking of candour…

Federal taxes must go up to pay off Canada’s increasing debt, Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff said today. The challenge, he said, is to ensure the economic recovery is not hurt by raising the taxes, Ignatieff told about 100 people at a Cambridge Chamber of Commerce breakfast meeting.

Ignatieff’s comments were in response to a question from Cambridge business leader John Bell, who wanted to known when the federal debt will be paid back.  “We will have to raise taxes,” but not at the expense of hurting the recovery from this recession. He added that “an honest politician” cannot exclude a tax hike as an option. “I am not going to load a deficit onto your children or mine,” Ignatieff said.