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Life is but a series of photo opportunities

By Aaron Wherry

The Prime Minister’s Office quite rightly dismisses the attention paid to yesterday’s Prime Ministerial bathroom break.

“I don’t think any leader came here for photo ops,” said Dimitri Soudas, a Harper spokesperson. “World leaders are here to discuss very serious matters while we go through the biggest global crisis in a generation.”

Very serious. Global crisis. No time or need for photo ops.

Well, except for that one with the Queen. And that one with the Prince. And that other one with the soccer player. And there is that photo with the Finance Minister that’s up on the party website now. And there was that photo with the phone that the PMO sent out beforehand. And the G20’s Flickr page. And the Prime Minister’s Flickr page. And all the photos on that “action plan” website.

But otherwise. Photo ops, completely beside the point.