Maclean’s on the Hill: Catherine McKenna, Obama, beef, pot.
Each week, the Maclean’s Ottawa bureau sits down to discuss the news of the week. And what a week it was!
U.S. President Barack Obama travelled to Canada and delivered a historic speech to Parliament. He also attended the Three Amigos Summit with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto. The leaders signed a comprehensive clean energy deal. We talk about it with Environment Minister Catherine McKenna.
Ahead of the summit, Canada and Mexico reached a quid pro quo agreement. Canada will lift visa requirements for Mexican visitors, while Mexico will open its borders to Canadian beef. Conservatives are warning of the risks of striking down the visa requirements. We talk about that with Tory MP Michelle Rempel.
The Trudeau government has launched a marijuana task force to study the best ways to regulate and legalize pot. To handle this complex task, the Liberals have put Anne McLellan in charge. She joins us to discuss her role in making weed legal.
Finally, in honour of the Canada Day long weekend, the podcast takes you to the centre of Canada — literally. Maclean’s has sent a pair of journalists to the geographical centre of the country. You may be surprised to learn where that is! We talk to them at the end of the show.
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