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Our weekly, and wholly arbitrary, ranking of the ten most worthy, or at least entertaining, MPs, excluding the Prime Minister, cabinet members and party leaders. A celebration of all that is great and ridiculous about the House of Commons. Last week’s rankings appear in parentheses.

1. Bob Rae (1)
Arguing in favour of the mission  in Afghanistan as a matter of principle.
2. Jack Harris (7)
Arguing against the mission in Afghanistan as a matter of principle. I would probably pay to watch these two men debate the matter at length.
3. Gerry Byrne (-)
However disappointing this week’s pension debate might have been, it cannot be said to have been a total waste of time. A gentle reminder that sometimes the system works.
4. Glen Pearson (2)
5. Michael Chong (3)
6. Keith Martin (6)
If, as Mr. Martin suggests, the vast majority feel as he does about Parliament, isn’t there a great deal of onus on them to do something about it?
7. Kevin Sorenson (-)

This willingness to acknowledge imperfection will surely be a detriment to any aspirations Mr. Sorenson has for cabinet.
8. Maxime Bernier (5)
9. Serge Menard (8)
10. Ken Dryden (10)

Previous rankings: March 12March 19April 3April 10April 25May 1May 9May 16May 23May 30June 6June 13June 20September 26October 3October 10October 17October 24October 31November 7November 14. November 21.