’The most liberal abortion regime in the world’
Conservative MP James Lunney explains his vote in favour of Motion 312.
It has come up in every election. I repeat that yes, I am pro-life. I studied embryology at university; I had a course on obstetrics and gynecology as part of my second degree studies. My first child was in the womb at that time and my wife and I followed the development keenly throughout her pregnancy. A close friend from the Oceanside area recently sent me a recording of her grandchild’s heartbeat in the womb, 160 beats per minute; they are excited about the arrival of a new grandchild.
Many Canadians do not realize that Canada has no law on abortion. There is no prohibition on abortion at any stage of development. Since there are no restrictions at all, we have the most liberal abortion regime in the world. There is no prohibition on a young woman using abortion as birth control, six to eight serial abortions; yes, it happens! And at taxpayers’ expense.
Chris Warkentin explains his vote in favour. The Globe, Sun, Canadian Press, Star and CTV look at Rona Ambrose’s vote.