
A photo of a man and a woman in skiing gear, standing in front of a green mountain

How one B.C. ski hill is coping with a weird, warm winter

"Our revenue was down by 40 per cent. We had to offer discounts of up to 50 per cent on lift tickets because we could not open all our runs for a good portion of December."

I evacuated from Yellowknife this summer. Coming home was the hardest part.

“We’re all a little broken. There’s solidarity in that.”
Photo-illustration Maclean’s

The Big Idea: Investing in “sponge cities” can mitigate the toll of climate change

Serious flooding is in our future—here’s one way we can take it on

Canada needs clean-air shelters—and quickly

Courtney Howard, an ER doctor and wildfire researcher, explains the urgency of converting public spaces into refuges where we can all breathe easier
Alta-NWT-Fire 20230815

“It’s like going off to war”: This man is helping evacuate fire-plagued Yellowknife

“Northerners are the toughest people on the planet, and we come together in a crisis”

Canada in the Year 2060

Summers lost to fire and smoke. Biblical floods. Dying forests. Retreating coasts. Economic turmoil and political unrest. It’s going to be a weird century. Here’s what it will look like—and how Canada can get through it.
Mount Baker over Victoria B.C.

I’ve spent six years earthquake-proofing my house in anticipation of B.C.’s Big One

Experts warn of a one-in-three chance of Victoria being shaken by earthquakes in the next 50 years. I’m doing all I can to prepare.
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How 16-year-old Naila Moloo is making waves as an environmental innovator

Ottawa teen Naila Moloo is developing a newer, sleeker solar panel and a plant-based plastic

Why I’m suing the Ontario government over its climate change inaction

I saw the effects of climate change firsthand at home in northern Ontario. Now, at 15, I’m suing the government for not doing enough to stop it.
(Illustration by Pete Ryan)

How to fight the climate crisis with electricity

Canada can cut its emissions by scaling up one of our oldest technologies