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Joey the otter. (Photograph by Felicia Chang)
Joey the otter (Photograph by Felicia Chang) Photograph by Felicia Chang

Vaccine hangover? Here are stories to read during recovery

There have been some reports of post-vaccination symptoms like headaches, fatigue and aches. Here are some Maclean’s reads to distract you from your temporary blight.
By Maclean's

If you’re into action films

Plucked from peril

HMCS Glace Bay approaches the Makena

The Makena set out for Halifax in fine weather under the steady hand of a respected skipper. It would be the yacht’s last voyage—and only the heroics of Canadian rescuers would spare its crew from tragedy. READ »

If you’ve been enjoying the little things.

2020 may have reset our ability to appreciate happiness

Seale and Jackson enjoy chicken wings at the Workshop Eatery in Edmonton, Alta. (Photograph by Amber Bracken)

Experts think that after months of depriving ourselves of everyday pleasures we once took for granted, our newfound appreciation for the little things might actually last beyond 2020. READ »

If you’re into cute animals

How this baby otter was helping keep Vancouver Aquarium afloat

Other otters have won hearts and donations for the aquarium, but this is no ordinary Joey. The pup’s 24/7 livestream made him a social media sensation during the pandemic. READ »

If you’re feeling foxy

The urban foxes of Whitehorse


Wildlife photographer Peter Mather took up a pandemic project—capturing unexpected stills of the city’s thriving, resilient fox population.  READ »

If you’re a dog lover

One giant paw-print stirs an age-old debate: how big can a wolf be?

Doctor’s hand next to the gigantic wolf track he came across a few years ago; he estimated the wolf itself could be as long as eight feet, head to tail Courtesy of Ron Doctor)

A man in the Northwest Territories spotted giant wolf tracks, 7½ inches long. Anything longer than 5½ inches is Amarok territory—the legendary lupine of Inuit folklore.  READ »

If you’re into photography and history

The Saskatchewan photo lab that unearths secrets of the past

Inside an old bank building in Indian Head, Sask., a half-dozen full-time staff spend their days ‘basically opening up time capsules’ developing long-expired film.  READ »

If you’re wondering why you’re so tall (or not…)

Tiny country, big people: Why the Dutch tower over us all

(Jan de Groen/Hollandse Hoogte/Redux)

How a small country became a land of big people in stunningly short order.  READ »

If you’re into ships and the Navy

The life and death of HMCS Cormorant—the legendary ship you’ve never heard of

HMCS Cormorant, a retired navy ship, has been listing in Bridgewater, N.S., for over a decade (Andrew Vaughan/CP)

The converted fishing trawler had some wild jobs: seizing drugs abandoned on the ocean floor and salvaging shipwrecks. As it heads to the scrap yard, trailblazing sailors recall its storied past.  READ »

If you’d like a laugh

Some painfully obvious things I learned too late in life

Shannon Proudfoot asked people to describe their most thunderous epiphany. After 1,400 twitter replies, it’s safe to say we all discovered a lot. READ »

If you’re into unbelievable happy endings

Saved from a snowy tomb

McNutt made his return to backcountry skiing last December, with McIntosh at his side (Photograph by Felicia Chang)

A B.C. skiing star is alive thanks to six friends—and no thanks to his avalanche beacon. READ »