Al Gore


Al Gore on the climate-change fight’s new challenges

Eleven years after ’An Inconvenient Truth,’ Al Gore speaks about his new film, and what’s changed since—including the presidency of Donald Trump
Joe Oliver

Joe Oliver vs. The world

The Natural Resources Minister takes on James Hansen, Al Gore, Europe and environmental scientists
Inconvenient truth?

Inconvenient truth?

Al Gore drops a hint about Apple’s anticipated new iPhone launch
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Burton Cummings finishes high school, Lady Gaga tries to liven her show with a few corpses, and a big week for—poets?
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On the Gores’ breakup, the Clintons’ survival, and the marital toll of a lost election

Plus, the Clintons’ survival, and the marital toll of a lost election

Al and Tipper Gore’s grey divorce

How the sixty-somethings are just acting their age