
Sudlovenick wrote her master’s thesis on Iqaluit’s ringed seals (Patricia Bourque)

Using traditional Inuit knowledge and Western science to study Arctic marine life

Since leaving Nunavut to study marine biology at the University of Guelph, Ph.D. student Enooyaq Sudlovenick has sought to understand more about the life that roams below the Arctic’s ocean surface

This summer, Canada’s land of ice was on fire

Hundreds of wildfires, some visible from space, swept across the Arctic Circle this summer—and as they burned, these northern firefighters faced down the changing climate
Climate Change Canada 20190401

How climate change is destroying the Arctic

Natan Obed: While some of the biggest polluting countries continue to turn a blind eye to climate change, Inuit don’t have that privilege.
The Erebus and Terror ships

How Monty Python’s Michael Palin became fascinated with the doomed Franklin ship

Michael Palin on the Erebus shipwreck resonates around the world: ’A dramatic, catastrophic failure is always a great story’
Rounded cone shaped ice berg in pack ice in Alexis Bay Labrador NL K1580629

Why Arctic icebergs are heading south earlier than usual

How a warmer climate caused icebergs to block a scientific mission to Hudson Bay
Narhwal – feature

New footage reveals what narwhals actually use their tusks for

Before this new video evidence, Canadian scientists could only theorize the purposes behind the narwhal’s iconic tusk.

Get ready for a Canadian Arctic research boom

An Arctic science lab set to open this summer has already draw attention from researchers from around the world keen to explore what lies beneath the tundra
C-CORE Team setting Argos Beacons on PIIa. (Carl Howell/C-CORE)

Global warming makes ice forecasting a hot field

Ice forecasting — meteorology, oceanography, and a lot of thermodynamics — is a growing field, as climate change makes the Arctic more accessible

HMS Terror: How the final Franklin ship was found

From 2016: How one man’s efforts to build inroads with northern communities helped uncover the second of Sir John Franklin’s doomed ships
Sachs Harbour, Banks Island

The North and the great Canadian lie

Canada is not a proud northern nation. Its Arctic is undefended, undeveloped and socially fraught.