B.C. election

NDP Leader John Horgan arrives for an election campaign stop in Surrey, B.C., on Sept. 23, 2020 (CP/Jonathan Hayward

The B.C. election at the starting line: 338Canada projection

Philippe J. Fournier: The NDP begins the campaign comfortably in majority territory with an average of 55 seats, while the Liberals face an uphill battle

The NDP’s great pipeline divide

Before the Kinder Morgan expansion got approved, the New Democrats of Alberta and B.C. were one big, happy family. Now they’re like oil and water.
Port Moody 20161125

B.C.’s new subsidy for homebuyers is pure politics and bad policy

By offering interest-free loans, B.C. is encouraging residents to take on bigger risks, with all the benefits going to existing homeowners and developers
Dec 15 houseboat

B.C.’s free loans to homebuyers won’t buy much in Vancouver

B.C.’s plan to give new homebuyers interest-free loans is a terrible idea that will only worsen Vancouver’s housing bubble
Adrian Dix

Seeing red over the Greens in B.C.

Colby Cosh on the Green party’s effect in B.C.’s election
Christy Clark

Christy Clark on motherhood, optimism and the plan for the next four years

The B.C. Premier in conversation with Nancy Macdonald
Christy Clark

The B.C. pollster who got it right -- and those who didn’t

’Clearly we missed some of it pretty badly’
Christy Clark

Did Christy Clark really beat the odds?

Tease the day: Polls told us the B.C. premier would lose, but why should we believe them?
Christy Clark

Christy Clark: Canada’s comeback kid

Nancy Macdonald on lessons from the B.C. campaign