
O'Toole and Trudeau smile during the federal election French-language leaders debate on Sept. 8, 2021 in Gatineau, Que. (Justin Tang/CP)

Where the parties stand on debate day: 338Canada

Philippe J. Fournier: The latest election projection sees the parties deadlocked. But the Conservatives may have reached their ceiling early in the campaign.
Trudeau and O'Toole during the French-language leaders debate, on Sept. 8, 2021 in Gatineau, Que. (/Justin Tang/CP)

The first leaders debate: The battle for small advantages

Stephen Maher: Trudeau and O’Toole—two leaders fighting for their political careers—stood out in a debate that may have been short on substance but not drama
O'Toole and his wife, Rebecca, board their campaign plane for a flight to Hamilton, Ont. on Aug. 25, 2021 in Ottawa (Ryan Remiorz/CP)

338Canada: The Conservatives surge, the Liberals slide

Philippe J. Fournier: The latest 338 projection shows the Liberals falling two seats per day since the campaign began. The Conservatives are the new favourites.

The best speeches from the campaign trail

Each party leader has picked their favourite speech. Read the full text here.
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Projection puts Tories in majority, first time since 2008

Conservatives in line to elect 157 MPs according to LISPOP